Reviewing our 环境 for DU’s Jewish Community Members

大学平等机会和第九条办公室(EOIX)接收并回应有关歧视和骚扰的报告. 杜会非常重视所有歧视和骚扰的披露, 和 our EOIX office provides supportive measures, in-depth investigations, 补救措施, 和 other corrective measures.  

EOIX致力于促进一个没有歧视和骚扰的环境,使DU社区成员可以在其中学习, 生活, 和工作. As part of its efforts, EOIX可能偶尔会根据某些重点领域对我们的校园环境进行全面审查. In addition to EOIX’s role in investigating specific reports, 这些全面的审查帮助DU识别和处理潜在的行为, structural challenges, or other concerns that may impact our community members.    

EOIX已经开始对我们社区中潜在的反犹太主义进行审查,并正在与值得信赖的外部多样性合作, 股本, 和 inclusion partner, Gr和 River Solutions, to help the University conduct this community review. 审查期间, 大河解决方案将深入研究偏见报告, 歧视, 和 骚扰 against our Jewish community members. 格兰德河大学训练有素的专业人员将从学生那里收集信息, 教师, 工作人员, 和其他人. 审查将考虑以前向大学报告的信息和事件, as well as new or unreported information. 大河将审查大学如何应对之前报告的事件, 以及对气候和DU社区犹太成员待遇的潜在担忧. We anticipate their work will conclude in the spring term.  

这次审查的目的是谨慎和有意地支持犹太社区成员感到受欢迎和尊重. We encour年龄 anyone who wants to take part in this review to contact InquiryDU@gr和

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the 办公室 EOIX do? 

The office implements DU’s Policy on Discrimination 和 Harassment. 这包括提供支持措施和调查种族歧视和骚扰的指控, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, genetic information, veteran status 和 military enlistment.  This includes claims of antisemitism 和 anti-Muslim bias.  

EOIX also facilitates compliance with 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title VI 和 VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967; the 同工同酬 Act; the Colorado 同工同酬 for Equal Work Act; the Colorado Protecting Opportunities 和 Workers' Rights ("POWR") Act; 和 any other federal, 状态, 以及当地法律, 规定, or ordinances that prohibit 歧视, 骚扰, 和/or retaliation. 

Where can I go for confidential support? 

虽然办公室努力维护隐私,但EOIX并不是一个机密资源. 向大学报告可能导致调查,并可能导致大学采取行动, 包括开除对违反政策负责的员工或开除学生. Individuals who want to report concerns confidentially, e.g., to obtain information about resources 和 formal reporting options, 可以联系保密资源,包括:健康和咨询中心(学生)的辅导员, the University's Ombuds, the Employee Assistance Program (for employees), or another of DU's designated confidential resources. 

符合 DU’s 报告 Policy, Gr和 River将提供有关特定偏见实例的共享信息, 歧视, 和/or 骚扰 to EOIX so that EOIX can evaluate the reports, contact the individuals involved to offer supportive measures 和, 在适当的地方, offer resolution options. 然而,个人身份信息不会公开发布.  

What if I am concerned about my safety? 

由于反犹太主义或其他偏见事件而担心其安全的DU社区成员, 骚扰, or 歧视 can request assistance from EOIX or DU’s Department of 校园 Safety. 

Why is the scope of this review limited to antisemitism?  

By tailoring the scope of this review to antisemitism, 我们就能更好地为DU群体找到歧视或骚扰的潜在来源或原因. 这次审查是我们正在采取的措施的延续,以提高DU社区对 反犹太主义 的历史和深刻伤害的认识,并进一步加强我们对 反犹太主义 和所有仇恨行为的谴责. In addition to this review, DU is taking measures to address bias 和 prejudice in all its forms, including anti-Muslim bias, through educational programming 和 other measures.  

I want to share my experiences with Gr和 River. Whom can I contact? 

Please send an email to InquiryDU@gr和 to share your experiences.   

Is communicating with Gr和 River m和atory?  

参与格兰德河的任何信息收集活动都是自愿的,可以通过上述电子邮件地址完成. 参与者可以使用他们的DU电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件,也可以匿名发送. 因为我们努力让每一位DU社区成员感到受欢迎和尊重, 我们鼓励参与,特别是那些掌握可能的反犹太主义事件信息的人. 我们的目标是获得反犹太主义如何影响杜校园气候的准确图片. 

When will we know the results of the review? 

DU expects Gr和 River’s work will be finished in the spring term. 届时我们将有更多新MG线上电子游戏结果发布的信息.  

What will happen after Gr和 River completes the review?  

Following the review, 负责EOIX的副校长将与DU的高层领导合作,考虑并开始实施审查产生的任何建议或结果. 这一过程将包括全面考虑在全校范围内和/或更有针对性的基础上采取适当的行动. 


格兰德河在高等教育机构进行调查和评估气候和文化方面有着丰富的经验. Their approach is highly collaborative 和 unique to each institution.  
他们的多元化团队由跨学科专家组成,他们作为校园管理者和领导者具有直接经验. 大河解决方案的创始人和从业者都有教育背景, 法律, 人力资源, 技术, 和 non-profit service.